
Lexeme Consulting in the News


Coastal First Nations - 6 July 2023: An Amazing Story, One of Tragedy and Resilience

United Nations Environment Programme - 3 September 2015: Government Subsidies for Agriculture May Exacerbate Deforestation, says new UN report

See UN Environment Executive Director Erik Solheim’s perspective on this topic (Thompson Reuters - 14 July 2017) here.

Global Landscapes Forum - 5 June 2015: UN-REDD – Fiscal incentives for agricultural commodity production: Options to forge compatibility with REDD+

As part of the Global Landscapes Forum side event Changing agricultural fiscal policies to stimulate sustainable economic growth, food production, and reduced deforestation. Panelists: Felipe Calderón, Chair, Global Commission on the Economy and Climate and former President of Mexico; Maria Kiwanuka, Special Presidential Adviser, Uganda; Carlos A. Klink, Secretary for Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Brazil; Pavan Sukhdev, CEO GIST Advisory, UNEP Goodwill Ambassador and TEEBAgFood Special Adviser, and moderated by Achim Steiner, Executive Director of UNEP and Under-Secretary General of the United Nations

Associated brief: Changing fiscal policies to grow more food without cutting forests

ASB Partnership for the tropical forest margins blog - 13 April 2015: The link between production standards, the private sector and a landscape approach

Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Blog - 19 Dec 2014: Getting everyone to invest in integrated landscape management

Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Blog - 6 Dec 2013: Risky business: A landscape approach to sustainable supply chains

EcoAgriculture Partners Blog: Project-level insights for landscape-level PES

Blog was in response to a presentation by Gabrielle Kissinger and Martin Herold, given on 26 November 2012 at a UNFCCC COP18 side-event in Doha, Qatar, sharing findings from their recently published global assessment on the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation.

Mercado Ético - 28 Sept 2012 (Brazil) Agricultura é apontada como grande vilã do desmatamento

Nature - 8 June 2011 (UK)Agriculture omitted from deforestation plans

Correio Braziliense - 9 June 2011 (Brazil)Brasil ensina o mundo a plantar e preserver

Deutsche Welle - 8 June 2011 (Germany)—Portuguese: Brasil oferece modelo agrícola sem elevação do desmatamento, diz estudo